The fall has always been a special time to me. I live for the summer, but always feel a sense of relief as the fall approaches. It is the calm after the summer and before the rush of holiday crazy. Each year it feels like this season rushes by. I get caught up in unwinding from the summer and planning for the holiday crazy and forget to soak in the glorious fall moments. By the time I recognize how amazing it is... it is gone.

In an effort to slow down and prioritize some of my favorite fall activities, I created a fall bucket list. The activities on this list range from practical reminders, like switching out your wardrobe and decorating for halloween, to fun activities to create memories like hosting a soup party, to acts of self-care like buying a new pair of slippers and starting a gratitude list.

Fall Bucket List

My team and I have set out to accomplish this entire list by the end of November!

Click here  to download your own copy and make the most of the season.

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